Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today's Neurology Appointment

Proverbs 21:23 “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.”

With this scripture in mind, I will try to bite my tongue when sharing about today’s neurology appointment.

Surprisingly, I woke up today feeling better than I’ve felt in a long time. Now I didn’t say that I felt good, but just that I felt a lot better than I have in weeks. I slept better last night than I have in a long time, and I was just in pretty good spirits. The night before, Martin helped me prepare 3 pages worth of questions and observations we’ve had over this last month, so I felt prepared for my appointment and even excited at the thought of some answers and possibly some relief.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get either of those. The MRI that I’d had just days ago only included a scan of my brain. This is the part where I need to remind myself of the above scripture and bite my tongue, because the scan did not include my neck or any portion of my brain stem. So, much to my dismay, my neurologist had to make me yet another appointment for another MRI in which he very clearly stated that the scan is to include every inch of my spine with focus on the upper neck where the tumor fingers were once located.

So, I don’t know much of anything right now. He agrees that physical therapy is a wonderful plan of action and that, in time, I will see some relief from aggressive treatments. Currently my visits are only 3 days a week, but he may increase that to daily for a while. Oh what fun.

Basically, I don’t have any news to report. Today was sadly a waste of time since there wasn’t a complete MRI for us to study.

Martin and I have both been reading and thinking about Job a lot lately. I don’t compare to him at all, but one thing that does bring me comfort is that Job didn’t like his situation just like I don’t like mine. The Bible is sure to mention that he never sinned, but he did curse his own life and birth. Sometimes, I feel guilty for hating the place that my health has brought me, but there isn’t sin in that. As long as I don’t take my eyes off of God… As long as I don’t let go of the Hand that is holding me up…

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