Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hate it when headaches interrupt my sleep!

Yesterday, all was well. Busy but good day at work. I felt fine. Things were good. Then I went to bed. DOM-DOM-DOM-DOOOOOOOM! I woke up at 1:00 AM with a horrible headache. We just got new pillows yesterday, and when I woke it was the smell of the pillows that was overwhelming me. I felt like I couldn't breathe and got very nauseous.
I ended up having to stumble to the living room and sleep pillow-less. I don't think I really slept though. Think it was more tossing and turning and grimacing from pain.
Worked all day with that same stupid headache. On a pain scale, it was probably a 6. The nausea did leave me though, so that made things tolerable. I've learned to deal with the pain in my head, but I still don't deal with vomiting/nausea that well - especially in public!
I'm home now and debating on whether I want to take a Relpax or just try to sleep through it... Since I can only take those Relpax 3 different days of a week, I try to space them out and treat them like they are gold!

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