Thursday, October 24, 2013

Any day pain free is a good day!

After 2 pretty rough days of migraines, accompanied with nausea, I woke this morning feeling okay! HOORAY! To keep my happiness going, it's fall now which means cooler temperatures! YAY! The heat seems to be a pretty big trigger for me, so I'm praying for a couple months of painless days.
In other news, I am getting fat. Yuck. Anyone know if that is a common occurrence with Depakote? The side effects that I've read didn't have it listed... Or maybe Relpax? Speaking of Relpax, I don't think I like it. You can only use it 3 days out of a 7 day week... I needed it A LOT more than that this week. :/ However, I do like how it doesn't leave me feeling all dopey... Just sort of takes the edge off.
Anyway, going to get ready for work and enjoy the cooler temps and waking up feeling a whole lot better. Happy day!

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