There is a song that I really like by Dia Frampton called the 'Broken Ones'. There is a line in it that says "I love the broken ones, the ones who need the most patching up..." I would have to say, that is definitely true for me. (The entire song is beautiful! I'd strongly recommend downloading it from iTunes! I've added the song for your listening pleasure to my blog below.)
Unfortunately, becoming "broken" isn't easy nor is it fun. It usually means you've been through something. Or somethings. But being "broken" sands off the edges and allows character to shine through that nothing else would ever possibly do.
I look back at my life and I'm thankful for all the rough patches. Not only have they made me who I am, but they have made me compassionate, and humble, and a survivor. When I think of the people in my life that I truly admire, they are all 'Broken Ones'. Some of these have lost a spouse, or a child, or battled near death sickness/cancers, or had spouses or parents with chronic illnesses, or lost jobs, or divorced, or had parents that did, or had parents that maybe should have, or had parents that were addicts, or were addicts themselves, etc. Put capes on THESE people because these people... Well, lame as it may sound, these people are my heroes. These people are the people that are worth getting to know. They are worth being friends with. I could care less about the Jones' or the folks down the road with all the money or the fancy car or the big house and fancy clothes. THESE folks have depth. THESE folks have had life sand off their crud and there is beauty shining through.
But really... I think that most people probably have been broken... shattered... Most people just keep those cards so close to their chest that you'd never know it, but sadly, when there is none of that transparency, you don't see any of that diamond shining through either.
I wonder why we, as people, think that we have to pretend to have it all together? Why do we feel that we can't just be real?